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About the Author:

Hi, my name is Kevin Kincanon and I'm from, well just about everywhere. I've moved more times than I can count actually. Most people would probably have classified me as a nomad. Because of my trials and tribulations as a child I began writing poetry and taking pictures at a very young age. It wasn't until I was in my late teens that I realized I could combine the two...


As most of you know everything in life has a purpose. Well, you're probably wondering what mine is. The purpose behind me selling these magnificent pieces of art isn't to make money per-say, there's much more to it than that. My main three purposes are simple. Number one, I want those who are going through struggles to be able to look at my work and feel like there's hope. Family is very important to me, with that being said that brings me to number two. Now number two is just about making your family know you appreciate them. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now for the last and most important reason... I want to raise awareness on the growing issues in our society. It's not too late to change. Like I always say, "Change is our only lasting possession."

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